people dont die from the sars cov 2 virus, they die from a sort of hyper-immune dysfunction. Its as if we all have a suicide bomber inside us, our immune system.  When we are very ill, very old etc,   the suicide bomber just blows the whole thing up in a cytokine, chemokine storm.  Commonly known as sepsis. Everyone defeats the virus, so its not more antibodies that we need to keep us from the serious, inflammatory phase of covid.  We need to have a healthy immune system, one that doesnt pull the grenade pin.

Note that if you have covid, the vaccine is not recommended. This says something about the role of the vaccine in treating covid

Ivermectin works in several ways, one of which is anti inflammatory.  Dr Syed Mobeen does a good job of explaining on YouTube.   After about 7 to 10 days after symptoms, we have all defeated the virus.  Then people with dysfunctional immune systems due to all kinds of insults like constant indoor exposure to chemicals, viruses, molds and bacteria in the hospital, bad nutrition,  fear and everything else, but mainly very old age with underlying ill health, they go on to get severe illness and a small percent die. They arent infectious, they may be dead but they defeated the virus.

Thats a partial picture, and medically non controversial, as far as I can tell.  So thats why the vaccine wont keep people alive and why we dont need to focus purely on virus killing.  Killing germs with silver is a kind of myopia, in my humble opinion. Killing germs may be helpful but is not the be all end all of health, as we know. Anti inflammatory action may be what we need. Ivermectin, herbs and vitamins, pro biotics, possibly steroidal anti inflammatories.   Silver would be good early on, say during the first week of symptoms.

'Vitamin D and inflammatory diseases'



On 7/25/2021 6:32 PM, Neville Munn wrote:

*From:* <>
*Sent:* Monday, 26 July 2021 11:19 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: Re: CS>How to Get Ivermectin | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

Most likely yes but Ivermectin has more research behind it.
Sent using myEarthLink

On Sun Jul 25 15:08:15 PDT 2021 Deborah Gerard wrote:
******Doesn't the colloidal silver do just as good of a job as the Ivermectin? ******

That's why I'm waiting to get this bs so called "Covid 19" rubbish so I can use my ultrasonic nebuliser.  If I don't come back to report, then I'm dead, either way, everyone will then know if it works or not.  My money is absolutely 100% on the home made product, the Ionic Silver solution.  I'm sick and tired of the regulated information in the MSM.
