Thank you!

> On Jul 30, 2021, at 4:36 PM, Tony Moody <> wrote:
> Hallo Folks,
> Yesterday I spoke to Mike Devour who is alive and well and sounds happy. 
> Among other things, he has endorsed our proposed move of this list, Mikes 
> Silver List, from <> <> to 
>  "The Silver List", 
> <> .  So I'm not hijacking this list; but we 
> will be going to a safer place with plenty tools for group management and for 
> moderation of members. Nenah Sylver is also a group Owner and has taken on 
> the task of Membership. Mike Devour is already a member and has Moderator 
> status.  (Mike did not wish to be an owner of the new group at the time he 
> joined, a year ago.)
> At present the new group has 52 members who have joined from here (including 
> us 3 Owner Moderators).
> During this past year I  made a house move during which I got cvid, both of 
> which ruined my concentration.  
> The Way Forward on the new group 
> If you are not a member please Subscribe: by sending an email to 
>  <>
> or Subscribe by going to 
> <>  Click on the blue button "+ Join this 
> group" which is part way down the home page. 
> If you have difficulties or queries please send email to me or to Group 
> Owner:  <>I can 
> then Invite you to the group.
> To post please send an email to  
> <>
> or do webmail if you are a member, you hit Reply to an existing topic or, for 
> a new topic, hit Topic in the the left menu.  It is only kinky the first 
> time. 
> All members are moderated for their first few posts, that means someone has 
> to approve your initial messages to the group. This may take some hours 
> before your message appears, please be patient. 
> I shall go through the membership and un-moderate all the names i recognise 
> as regular posters
> Messages by Non members will usually be returned with a note encouraging you 
> to subscribe. 
> Enough for this now,
> OK,
> Tony Moody