Hallo All still at Mikes silver list on Eskimo.

_*The Way Forward on the new group *_

If you are not a member please *Subscribe*: by sending an _email_ to silverlist+subscr...@groups.io <mailto:silverlist+subscr...@groups.io>

*or* *Subscribe* by going to https://groups.io/g/silverlist Click on the blue button "+ Join this group" which is part way down the home page.

Please reply to the message that comes from Groups.io in order to confirm your application to subscribe.

If you have *difficulties or queries* please send email to me or to Group Owner: silverlist+ow...@groups.io <mailto:silverlist+ow...@groups.io>I can then Invite you to the group.

*To post* please send an email to silverl...@groups.io <mailto:silverl...@groups.io> or to do *webmail* if you are a member at https://groups.io/g/silverlist, you hit Reply to an existing topic or, for a new topic, hit Topic in the the left menu.  It is only kinky the first time. :-)

All members are moderated for their *first few posts*, that means someone has to approve your initial messages to the group. This may take some hours before your message appears, please be patient.

I shall go through the membership and un-moderate all the names i recognise as regular posters

Messages by Non members will usually be returned with a note encouraging you to subscribe.

Enough for this now,


Tony Moody