If people like U.S. citizens who pride themselves on living in a free
country would use an ounce of brainpower, they might start researching and
finding out for themselves just how egregious the lies of this pandemic are
on every front, every turn, and see through the evil of those who are now
quickly taking away the freedoms people are so used to enjoying but may
soon lament having voluntarily given away as if their freedoms meant so

And so, if they would do that and save themselves and countless others,
perhaps they'd take that win-win and go further in bringing justice for all
the injustices done to the people since WWII ended and Corporations more
than ever started inserting themselves into government and moving to abuse
the people's interests for their own interests of profit over the people's

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 9:25 AM T. J. Garland <ironguard...@gmail.com>

> https://rumble.com/vkvxzr-not-breakthrough-cases...it-is-ade-antibodydependent-enhancement.html
> *Millions of Biden voters are rolling over in their graves. Anon*