So stop fooling with us losers and please just go away.

> On Aug 23, 2021, at 8:21 PM, Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote:
> I'd like to see some intelligence here but when all you have is name calling 
> it means you can't defend yourself. Why I fool with losers who don't have 
> enough sense to keep their own families safe is the real question. 
> By intentional ignoring science, putting friends and family in danger as if 
> you don't know how a virus works, by fighting  kids wearing masks in schools 
> and letting politicians decide science instead of scientists you condemn 
> every one you love to serious illness and death. That's abuse and neglect. 
> You are killing people over rumors just to be right.
> Why are you on a colloidal silver list when you are so oblivious to basic 
> science? 
> I've been called a lot of things without cause. Accused of being paid to 
> troll. You all are so out there, out of touch and dangerous to everyone 
> around you.
> Go find your little club with the other science deniars and leave this list 
> be.
> One day your families will hate you for what you've done. As if we need more 
> hate in the world. 
> I will never step back when I can see how dangerous you are to the ones you 
> love. They won't either if they are still alive. You have made my life more 
> dangerous since I know about half the unmasked in stores are just as 
> delusional. 
> This virus wouldn't be here killing more innocents if not for you lovers. Be 
> proud at the damage you cause. Idiots.
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2021, 1:04 PM Rick < 
> <>> wrote:
> I'd like to see Chicken Little talk to all the parents of children who have 
> been severely harmed or killed by these shots and others claiming to keep 
> them healthy. I'd like to see her talk to the Dr. Richard Malone creator of 
> mRNA technology who said that this isn't right and we should not accept these 
> shots. I'd love to see her in an interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits
> herself! 
> Just one person of substance who Chicken Little puts down because of what the 
> mass media and the newly funded Bill Gates crony fact-checkers who discredit 
> them with lies said on TV or in other owned mass media outlets have 
> said...These are people I'd like to see her have an open discussion with. 
> Why? because she can only parrot the lies we are being told from those 
> sources. And because Truths are not easily dismissed when you have the 
> irrefutable facts right in front of you (U.S. patent filings for the man-made 
> pandemics, victim testimonies, actual creator of the very technology being 
> used, etc, etc, etc).
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 12:47 PM Richard Atkinson < 
> <>> wrote:
> Cyndiann , you really do make the most ridiculous statements !!
> How is Judy making money out of any of us ????
> By speaking the truth ?
> Richard Atkinson
> <>
> The Chaos Oasis <>
> Belize
> facebook <>
> instagram <>
>> On Aug 22, 2021, at 1:24 AM, Cyndiann Phillips < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Dr.Judy Mikovits is a liar and is making money off you all.
>> On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 10:51 PM T. J. Garland < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> <>
>> All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for a few good men to do 
>> nothing. Edmund Burke