Placebo's are always used in experimental trials...

Placebo-controlled study

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Placebo-controlled study

The purpose of the placebo group is to account for the placebo effect, that is, 
effects from treatment that do n...



    On Saturday, August 28, 2021, 03:39:50 PM EDT, pal joey <> 
 Not saying I know this is happening,  but there is some talk of some people 
get a saline shot instead of the real vaccine. And the motive is a guess, but 
theories include creating a segment of the group that won't have problems, or 
become magnetized because they got saline. They would then be pro "vaccine", 
(look, nothing happened to me).  Yes, it is far out speculation,  I agree, but 
this entire event is like something out of a sci fi horror movie, so anything 
is possible.  If I got the "vaccine", I would look into the d- dimer blood test 
for blood clots,  and then look into non toxic treatments to alleviate them as 
well as any possible antidotes, until this is all sorted out. If the blood 
tests showed all clear, I'd still plan to get more later, and continue to look 
at antidotes. Then, if all was still clear, I'd consider whether I got the 