the unvaccinated also develop antibodies.  All that died had antibodies.   Severe covid is not caused by lack of antibodies. Its a hyperimmune reaction from a dysregulated immune system.  I will go so far to say sars cov 2 can trigger the cytokine/chemokine storm, but its notable the mortality is zero in the young and healthy.   Thus the vaccine antibody theme is misguided.  The cause of severe covid and the other big killers overlaps, like heart disease, cancer and dementia.  So those who mistakenly think their lives are "saved" by the injection will die soon from other diseases that strike the sickly and aged.



On 9/16/2021 11:56 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
Technically they aren't considered fully vaccinated till 14 days after the last shot so some fall under that category. They didn't have time to build the antibodies so even though they had the vaccine, they got sick and died,

Which means stop waiting to get the vaccine or you could be next.

On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 9:28 PM T. J. Garland < <>> wrote:

    *Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon*