Those people whom you ostensibly care about can take the vaccine you say saves them from death.  The others that choose not to can die for all you care.  Would you throw surfers in jail just because they have an elevated risk of death, while denigrating their moral and intellectual capacity for taking risk?  Not just surfers, but people who drive cars, hike mountains, skydive, walk across the street, or mingle with people and run the risk of catching any number of transmissible diseases.   Thus your "concern" appears dishonest, or at least misguided.   If people dont want to fly for fear of death they can take a ship, but who would stand on a pulpit demanding everyone take a ship from now on?   To be specific, the absolute risk reduction by taking the vaccine, from the actual trial data is less than one percent. So flying, or declining the deadly covid injection, is less than one percent riskier than taking a ship or the injection.   Thats the difference you want to incarcerate the free for.

So far, covid reported deaths amount to about 3% of total global mortality and in the western countries those covid deaths were overcounted.   Half of them were in old age care centers.   Your injection did nothing, repeat nothing to improve their metabolic or immune health.   You will line up for your eight month corona injection, increasing blood clots, autoimmune diseases, risk of bells palsy and all the other so called side effects while cursing the free and healthy.   Is that the future you want?

On 9/17/2021 12:00 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
You have the power to save your neighbor, but you don't do it. Because you think your 'freedom' is being impeded. Not heroic. What is the right thing to do when children are losing a parent? Make it more possible for one of their parents to die?

On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 3:34 PM T. J. Garland < <>> wrote:

    *Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon*