You seem like a good, caring person,
but you are naive to think that the
thousands of scientists and doctors
are posting lies, stating the covid is a sham....
It's the flu.......

On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 10:20 AM Cyndiann Phillips <>

> This is what happens when you don't listen to science.
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 12:21 PM Cyndiann Phillips <>
> wrote:
>>  I'm doing what it takes to work with my community to stop covid from
>> killing more people. That means wearing masks, getting vaccines, whatever
>> science shows will stop people from dying.
>> You are selfish, it's "me me me" and to hell with others. You post crap
>> that has no basis in reality to make your selfish attitude feel better,
>> because you know down deep it's wrong and dishonest.
>> I'm not the one posting lies. That's dishonest.
>> And it's killing people, including the innocent kids who can't get a
>> vaccine and are forced into supermarkets by their delusional parents.
>> Charge them with murder! Because that's what it is. What kind of stupid
>> does it take to bring your own children into a store with no mask and too
>> young to be vaccinated?
>> Why are you even fighting with me over this? I really don't understand
>> why you aren't understanding what a virus is and how it works. That's not
>> changed. It's always been contagious, still is. This is basic science that
>> is learned in grade school.
>> I'm the one that's been out there working to bring food to people who
>> can't come out in public places because morons like you make it not safe.
>> I'm doing my best to save them from putting themselves in danger when they
>> don't have to. However, because of my age and health issues I'm now having
>> to cut back on that to save myself. Idiots just like you are in those
>> stores with no mask on who will walk right up to me within 6 feet and some
>> are intentionally coughing on people as if this is a huge joke. Anyone
>> doing that needs to be charged with attempted murder.
>> If any of you had checked you would know that getting the vaccines are
>> way way way more safe than taking a chance on surviving covid. And if you
>> are so afraid of the treatments why aren't you doing everything you can to
>> stay out of the hospital? Where did your common sense go?
>> Do you somehow feel superior because you can copy and paste a link to
>> fake studies or real ones that are twisted to make you look right? Why not
>> ask yourself why you are falling for all that? What makes you so dense that
>> you won't do just a little research into what they are saying and why?
>> Why do you feel better beating up on me when I'm the one telling you the
>> truth? Is that a value you want to pass on to your children? It's bullying.
>> On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 6:49 AM pal joey <> wrote:
>>> Psssst....Cyndiann, Everyone can see you're need to
>>> dial it back a bit....