The nature article and its references are out of date by a year. I looked at a few of the references.  There may be a point, theoretically, about reduced viral loading by use of masks.  But in practice, it may not hold up.  The reasons include known and unknown mechanisms.  For example, the droplets caught in masks are shown to wick by capillary action through the mask and can be subsequently spread by aerosols created by evaporation and coughing.  Then there is the touching of the masks and disposal issues.  Even in high use locations, the masks arent used in the home where a lot of transmission occurs.   Also the carbon dioxide is highly elevated in mask wearers.  This changes the biological feedback, influencing breathing rates and volumes.  The pH of the body is regulated by breathing.   When you look at the more up date and comprehensive data, including one of the studies nature alluded to but which wasnt finished, the Danish study,  its clear the masks didnt work on a population level.  This is true also for state and country comparisons.    For references, many more than were in the nature article, see the prior posts. Categorically ignoring those studies may be a sign of psychosis, in my opinion



On 9/20/2021 1:25 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote: <>

When people wear masks infection rates drop. What more could you need?

On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 2:45 PM Max < <>> wrote:

    not much data to show that masks work to stop respiratory virus spread

    The refusal to acknowledge this by the global population and
    can be explained as a mass psychosis

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