This may be interesting, but without a hyperlink: 

 Highlight the website address Right-click to reveal drop-down menu Select and 
click "Copy." Open new tab in browser (two steps if I'm trying to do this on my 
phone) Right-click to reveal drop-down menu Select and click "Paste." Hit enter 
Read/listen/watch recommended content After a few weeks where email hasn't been 
in the top ten on my priority list, I've spent the last week going through over 
700 emails.  I've done those eight steps on dozens and dozens of emails 
already.  I still have about 225 emails left - this, after taking advice to 
select and delete all of The Troll's.  I have been diligently "unsubscribing" 
and deleting. 


I am exhausted.  Please, folks, if you're going to include a website address, 
learn how to make it a hyperlink, which reduces the steps I have to follow to: 

 Click on hyperlink Read/listen/watch recommended content. or, depending on how 
temperamental my email program is being: 

 Highlight the hyperlink Right-click to reveal drop-down menu Select "Open link 
in a new tab." Read/listen/watch. For example, I've changed the website address 
below to a hyperlink in my email program.  Give it a try. 


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon