About Mark Lamont Hill this is a direct quote from him.

" Dr. Marc Lamont Hill
<https://www.bet.com/bet-awards/topics/8bepwr/national-news/2vc6td> has
suffered a mild heart attack but he is thankfully recovering.

On Sept. 30, the 42-year-old wrote on Twitter,  “After my successful
Achilles surgery on Friday, I was rushed to the ER on Saturday after
suffering a mild heart attack. Over the previous two weeks, I had DVT (deep
vein thrombosis), which was caused by my Achilles rupture. This is an
extremely common outcome for such injuries.”

It doesn't mention the vaccine at all, it blames it on his other medical

Just stop the stupid.

On Sat, Oct 2, 2021 at 10:24 PM Cyndiann Phillips <cyndi...@gmail.com>

> There is no gene therapy you moron!
> On Sat, Oct 2, 2021 at 7:31 PM pal joey <ajr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've just made 2 separate trips to pharmacies, to gather info about the
>> EGT shots, and the first one did print out 7 pages , a couple devoted to
>> side effects and risks.  They even mentioned myocarditis,  but they also
>> cut it off at pg 7. It did say, you should not get it if you're allergic to
>> propylene glycol,  and some other ingredients which looked like what I used
>> to caulk windows with. Also, don't get it if you've ever passed out from an
>> injection. They skipped mentioning any bloodclots,  strokes, paralysis,
>> guillian barre,  guess they didn't want scare me.  BTW, they offered a
>> two-fer; Pfizer in one arm, and flu shot in the other. Not even joking.
>>                   The second one had  Moderna,  wouldn't print about side
>> effects, but left me to look over the permission sheet, which I pocketed.
>> But, they were ready to hook me up.  Now, they have my attention,  since
>> they are withholding the rest of the story.  So, Cyndiann,  I, and probably
>> everyone else here views you as dishonest  as these pharmacies are,
>> regarding the promotion of this gene therapy they are parading as (well you
>> know), and they refuse full disclosure, just like you. The censorship,  the
>> personal observations of damage and death to people, the reports of 17,000
>> deaths from the EGT, (experimental gene therapy) , the horror videos from
>> clots, amputations, almost makes your efforts laughable, except what you're
>> selling is so tragic and macabre; its like a bad Outer Limits episode.
>>                                                    IMAGINE IF YOU WILL, AN
>> (Saw that on a Rod Serling poster. ) BTW, Mark Lamont Hill, CNN CONTRIBUTOR
>> was just hospitalized with bloodclots, and heart attack at age 42. Hes
>> pissed off that someone questioned whether the clotshot caused it.