Linda,  I appreciate  the explanation. I still am finding it odd that the
majority of posts here are about everything else but CS...ya know...since
it's a CS group and all

As I've posted before, I try to remember to take ~30mg zinc daily as I have
found that zinc is key in keeping my "immune system" working well. There
have been many times when I have lapsed in my zinc intake and have caught a
"bug"...and that's when I bring in the CS.

Do you take zinc daily?

What makes you think this "Covid" bug is more deadly than other bugs? ...As
I stated before, 250K-650K people die every year worldwide from
influenza...likely due to bacterial pneumonia. It's estimated that there
are 1Billion cases of Influenza worldwide every year.

What makes you think "Covid" is more deadly or more "contagious"?...seems
you are a TV watcher...that could be the reason. I believe I've also stated here before...the Wuhan dude was
admitted into hospital with Bacterial Pneumonia...they "discovered"
SARS-CoV-2 in his fluids using PCR...a tool that is not meant for discovery
and diagnosis...only amplification and manufacturing.

I mean, have you read anything on the CDC or who website on exactly how
this novel coronavirus was "discovered" or how they supposedly isolated it?
It's all been manufactured.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 1:25 PM Linda Ellis <> wrote:

> Whether there's a "real" pandemic or not, isn't the major issue of the
> day.  Like it or not, "the pandemic" is front and center in our lives.
> It's on the news every hour of the day.  Stores are back to "suggesting" or
> "requesting" or "requiring" masks again.  All federal offices, on all
> federal property, require masks.  In some states and cities, proof of
> vaccination is required to even ENTER buildings - both public and private.
> Some of us here are further along on the CS research side of things than
> others, and I'm sure are comfortable working with that medium to deal with
> protecting themselves.
> I'm pretty far behind on the CS learning curve, though, and I'm looking at
> the whole range of options that I have, that can address the illness that's
> going around.  Call it a pandemic, or Wuhan Virus, or whatever else you
> want to label it there's something that is making many people - including
> some of my friends - sick.
> I'm happy to have a group like this, where we can talk about everything
> that may possibly address the pandemic/virus/whatever?????
> It happens that Ivermectin is a hot topic right now.  We chose to follow
> an Ivermectin-based protocol starting in January, when we were casually
> exposed.  When I submitted a new prescription in August, for the first time
> a pharmacist grilled me on why we're using a drug.  Since then, there have
> been all kinds of moves to try to restrict its use for Covid-19 prevention
> and treatment, despite the continuing stream of positive results coming
> from all over the world.  Some pharmacists are refusing to fill valid
> prescriptions (that's called "practicing medicine," and is mostly illegal,
> but....); the alphabet agencies are demonizing this Nobel prize-winning
> drug as nothing more than "horse dewormer," and the compliant media is
> carrying that water.  Last week, I learned that the state medical board has
> issued a blanket warning to all doctors.  Our PCP now tells us he must have
> documented proof that his patient is sick with the Wuhan Virus before he
> can prescribe Ivermectin, or risk action by the state medical authorities.
> Everything I've learned in my research says that we have our best shot at
> staying healthy if we move to Phase II of our protocol "at the onset of
> symptoms."  Getting to a doctor and getting tested can take days.  My
> friend was fine on Monday, got sick on Tuesday, was told to come in the
> FOLLOWING MONDAY to be tested, and by then the illness had progressed to
> the "Covid pneumonia" stage.  She has had Multiple Sclerosis and has other
> co-morbidities, and she had to wait A WEEK to get a test!  We don't want to
> wait that long.
> Perhaps, in a few months, I will feel confident enough to try making CS
> again.  It's been a long time, and I never felt I had the hang of it.  When
> life got in the way, the gear got stuck in the back of a cupboard.  I
> expect, at that time, my posts to this group will be riddled with "newbie"
> questions as I learn.
> Thanks for listening.
> Linda
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"hanan bissar" <>
> *Date: *Wed, Oct 6, 2021 11:22 am
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: CS>
> There's no fkn pandemic!
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:20 AM Rick <> wrote:
> Since the main focus is temporarily focusing on helping to resolve this
> pandemic, I see no foul or difference in what most other are posting. Sorry
> about my rapid input of government articles, but that was meant for anyone
> on the fence and for our resident vaccine zombie.
> Nothing more from me for today or possibly a couple of days
> Keep it up are an inspiration and are helping me to spread
> the truths
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 12:08 PM hanan bissar <>
> wrote:
> I'm sorry Rick, us this the Ivermectin group or the COLLOIDAL SILVER
> group?
> I think I've had well everyone.
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 8:00 AM Rick <> wrote:
> The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication
> of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro