Nobody's denying there were deaths. But the numbers show that there was a
minimal increase, if any from previous years.

People died from BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA, like people do every year.

And they died from having their lungs blown out on mechanical ventilators.

And they died from dehydration in elderly "care" homes.

And they were outright murdered by medical staff. Richie Allen has had
quite a few testimonials to this from people whos parents were murdered in

I'm not all on board with the terrain theory. I think it's both terrain and
germ but I have seen nothing logical or valid concerning "virus"...and
especially nothing valid concerning Sars CoV-2.

Yes, we know about their gain of function games. But tell me this Max, if
this "Covid" is so deadly, how come after 18 months of never having worn a
muzzle, daily use of shared touch screens with people who have supposedly
had Covid, not washing my hands any more than I ever have
come I'm still alive?

There are already know bacteria that can cause all of these terrible
symptoms associated with both the "Sars CoV-2 virus" and the quaccine.

Zinc and silver can kill all of it.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:25 PM Max <> wrote:

> Dave
> You mean...there is no virus, no deaths from ARDS? No thrombosis, no
> epidemic curve anywhere?  A fake so that people would take a
> depopulation shot?   Theres a problem with this theory.  It disqualifies
> all the good work that experts are doing to expose the truth and find
> some justice.   Like this video by Joel Smalley showing the actual
> pandemic and the likely effect of the vaccines.    According to you and
> so many others on this forum, all that work, that expertise, is worth
> nothing.  You cant look at this video and see a possible vaccine effect
> because there was no pandemic either.   I dont like that small minded
> cancel culture. If there is gain of function and germ warfare lab stuff
> going on, how are we going to stop it if you manage to convince the
> people there is nothing to worry about because viruses are just
> endogenous signals, health signals as one guy claims?
> Maybe you are right, but maybe you are wrong and those experts who are
> trying to expose the uber global crime are right. You should  present
> supporting information.  But so far you dont.
> What caused the excess mortality in the elderly who were blue from lack
> of oxygen?   How many do you expect to be killed by the vaccines, the
> vaccine mortality rate?   Quickly, if we assume there are about 150,000
> vax deaths in the U.S. (extrapolated from FDA conference and Dr Rose),
> and since the overwhelming deaths occur within weeks,  we could double
> or triple that to account for deaths yet to happen.  Then you have a
> reduction in the population of 0.1%    Not significant enough to improve
> the overcrowded conditions and over exploitation of resources.     I
> think we need to find better ways to reduce the population, in much
> larger numbers.   The injections appear to fail at population control,
> so far....   In the animal kingdoms, overpopulation is balanced by
> catastrophe...maybe we could find a better way
> Actual data says something caused about 3% of all cause mortality,
> globally.  The (non) death from this (non) virus amount to about 0.05%
> of the population.  Based on that data, it seems reasonable to say it
> wasnt a REAL pandemic, as averaged across the total population.   But to
> deny the existence of waves of death in the elderly and the people who
> died of a suffocating viral pneumonia, whatever name you prefer, is not
> smart.
> The people who deny there were deaths wont help fix iatrogenic mortality
> either.
>    The same mentality that can deny covid death could just as easily
> deny vaccine death. If you dont believe data, how do you prove there are
> vaccine deaths?
> regards
> Max
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