How the "Vax" works:

Once the mRNA [vaccine] gets inside your immune system cells, the factories
inside your cells use the mRNA to start making the SARS-CoV2 spike protein.
Not the entire virus but just the spike protein. Once spike protein is
made, the rest of your immune system is supposed to go, “WTH is this,” and
then mobilize a response against the spike proteins. This hopefully will
get your immune system to remember the spike protein and act quickly if and
when the real virus covered in spike proteins gets into your body.

[If the final  action is accomplished with your own antibodies, an antibody
test would be the same result whether it's naturally acquired or
'stimulated' by the Vax and NOT show if you've had the vaccine, or
not...and they want everyone to have the vaccine...for some 'reason'...but
why, if the antibodies are present, do the Vaxed people still have the
virus and the naturally acquired  immune people don't ?]

Humm…just an idea of what may be really going on. [Ode]

Just a THEORY, not FACT....probably...maybe...NO WAY.....oh crap!  [take
your pick]

BUT….,these spike proteins are attaching themselves to your own cells,
possibly fooling your own immune system into believing that YOUR cells are
a virus and attacking THEM....hence, clotted blood cells and inflammation
of organs for starters

But here’s a thing: [maybe]

The code produced spike proteins might not be PRECISELY the same as the
viral spikes…only similar…and the antibodies produced may prefer the ones
they were ‘specifically’ designed [coded]’ to attack over the, only
similar, viral spikes.

Now the coded spikes are attaching to body cells making the antibodies go
there and not to the virus, but the virus doesn’t have anywhere much to go
that isn’t already occupied and just floats around…..not making YOU sick
and not replicating very fast using whatever few unoccupied cells it does
find, but is still transmissible.

..and so now, you are testing positive for COVID and get a booster, which
gets used up the same way, requiring another booster…

Meanwhile, over time, your immune system is learning to see your own cells,
coated with the preferred ‘programmed’ spikes, as THE virus and starts
attacking THEM …and you get sick…not from the original COVID virus, but
from an auto-immune attack/manufactured/perhaps communicable “virus image”
that’s maybe being mistaken as [or just called] a variant.

So, get enough boosters and your immune system starts to think your entire
body is made of infected cells…and….maybe it IS in a way, by "vaccination
induced viral image infection. [ That LOOKS just like a foreign virus ]

So far, these induced spikes have not learned how to replicate themselves
like a PRION, but the more boosters you get…without knocking out the COVID
virus…the more spikes get made preventing you from feeling ill from
COVID…rather, from auto-immune issues…..but in the end …you still have COVID

On Sun, Oct 10, 2021 at 6:47 PM Max <> wrote:

> its the mass vaccination which is creating covid risk, not the
> unvaccinated.    its the same action that causes antibiotic resistant
> germs. Evolutionary pressure
> interview with Robert Malone and Geert  Bossche
> best case scenario; vaxx kills five times as many as covid in over 65
> group. Probably over a million vaxx deaths
> --
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