Thank you Pal Joey, Greg, and the other person I can't remember except she
was female. I did read Andrea Karcher's website and watch his videos. Right
after I wanted already to take it for myself. But if I had, I wouldn't have
done my due diligence for my own good. But I am thankful it works and fu$k
big pharma, Fauci, Gates, and all the others for their massive greed, lies,
and sinister agenda. Now, whenever I hear the word "Misinformation" I look
at <who they are trying to silence> and then I look into them and their
information even more because it is highly likely that it is Truth! or that
they may be onto something I should investigate.

Thanks again,


On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 5:02 PM Greg Kentwell <> wrote:

> Great to hear of your success Rick. I agree with Da Darrin though, that
> you did not take what is commonly referred to as CDS. You took activated
> sodium chlorite with water added. (Referred to as MMS) This certainly has
> chlorine dioxide in the solution, but also carries the other by products of
> that chemical reaction. I might add that 1 activated drop is easy enough to
> take. The protocols suggest increasing the number of drops. this is when it
> becomes harder to keep taking. I have taken it up until fairly recently in
> this fashion . If you are not having any adverse effects, then this method
> should be ok in my opinion. However, I am aware of 2 methods to capture
> just the gas in water and make CDS.  A little more fiddly  and time
> consuming though. I don’t have a link atm, but search for making CDS, I’m
> fairly sure you can find a video for more info.
> I have not treated skin tags specifically, but have applied undiluted
> activated sodium chlorite directly to other skin conditions with success.
> Regards,
> Greg
> On 12 Oct 2021, at 8:00 am, Rick <> wrote:
> I am here today to tell you all that CDS worked for me. After researching,
> reading testimonies, watching videos that included the government/big
> pharma lies about it being bleach (I don't even have training in chemistry
> and I knew this was an obvious lie).
> So I got my Sodium Chlorite and a 50% Citric Acid solution as an
> activator.
> I read what a couple here wrote and I reviewed the instructions from the
> guide and another document and a few websites too. Then I did just one drop
> of each in a clean dry glass, mixed, smelled the gas, (not horrible) and
> then put 4oz of filtered ZeroWater in and drank it down (taste also not
> horrible). I did this only once for two nights and my intensely painful,
> I'll call it leaky bladder was well the following morning when I awoke! Now
> I had been experiencing this daily for two months solid. As today's society
> has me avoiding doctors and prescription drugs (which never worked for my
> mother in her similar situation to mine) it was finding CDS and how long it
> has been around that got me to researching it for myself.
> It has now been just a little less than a full week and I'm almost joyous
> still because this was very embarrassing for me and I could not go out in
> public because there was no warning and I had no control over when it would
> happen. And every time, there was a burning pain associated with it.
> Working was also prohibited unless I could work from home.
> I want to thank Greg for your testimony, and I forgot if Linda, Jenny, or
> Elizabeth also mentioned it here.
> Was wondering if CDS along with DMSO might work as a topical on Skin Tags?
> I remember in one of my first videos on it, I think that I heard a woman
> testify to both skin tags and unexpected elimination of her own leaky
> bladder. Greg, do you have any experience with this in your family? But in
> the video, there was not talk of DMSO which helps facilitate the CDS to
> pass through the skin. So in that way as a topical application similar to
> using CS in a gel.
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 5:39 PM V <> wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone sharing info on CDS!
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 3:19 PM Greg Kentwell, <> wrote:
>>> Yes, however, he does not recommend taking activated MMS. He strongly
>>> advocates chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). This is the gas produced when
>>> MMS ( sodium chlorite) is activated with an acid ( ideally 4% hydrochloride
>>> acid) and captured in water.  There are videos available on methods to
>>> produce this.
>>> Dr Andreas Kalcker has researched this very thoroughly.
>>> is a great documentary to learn more about The
>>> power of chlorine dioxide.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> On 24 Sep 2021, at 2:59 am, pal joey <> wrote:
>>> Just passing it on. Andreas Kalcker,  was a staunch skeptic of mms, but
>>> now a big fan, and serious researcher.