Long hauler covid disease sequelae may be largely due to the virus and the immune reaction to it, although bacterial, fungal and other viral pathogens may be involved, especially after hospitalized cases.  The part of the sars cov 2 virus responsible is the same part the 'vaccine' forces your body to make.  This is the spike protein which causes blood clots, cancer, autoimmune disease, reactivation of latent disease, heart disease and more. The difference between getting this spike protein through infection or by injection is that if you catch sars cov 2, you have a good chance of fighting it off before it gets into the blood stream in significant quantity, whereas the injections bring you right into the blood circulation  stage.  The injections bring the battleground from the nose and lung directly into the bloodstream and organs, including the neural system.

This reality is why there is no net benefit and indeed signs of significant vaccine caused mortality.  Moreover, the mass vaccination with the non sterilizing injection  is driving viral mutations and continuing the pandemic.  The alarm is being rung that without the unvaccinated, there will be no herd immunity. In addition, the injections do not stop people from getting sars cov 2. These breakthrough cases are now the driving force of covid, exemplified in Israel and other highly vaccinated countries.  The viral load of the vaccinated vs unvaccinated is the same, which is why vaccination did not permit easing of lockdown or mask mandates.   This is accepted truth.  Not only do the injected become spike protein factories, they also catch the virus and suffer repeated insults and chance for long hauler syndrome

This is becoming so obvious Its hard to fathom the denial.  Yet many think there is no virus, or that somehow forcing your cells to create the toxic spike protein is less dangerous than fighting the virus in your mucosal barrier.

The majority of the human population is on the wrong side of history.  You will see many trying to wiggle out of their criminally complicit positions. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano explains


On 10/14/2021 10:30 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
Yet none of the vaccines, real vaccines modify genes in any way. Stop it.

What is fact is that if you catch covid at least 25% will end up with long hauler symptoms and will be sick for many months.
