Thats 'Thanks to' not 'thinks to'.

anyway, Ive seen the  supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore.  There is incomprehensible computing power in the world now.   They model everything from biological molecules to nuclear reactions to mass public behavior.   People in large enough groups are very predictable by algorithm.   I ask myself if the richest, most powerful people in the world, who have their own supercomputers and access to the best brains in pharma,  if its remotely plausible they didnt know that vaccinating everyone would lead to evolutionary pressure, similar to antibiotic resistant pathogens in the hospital, thus leading to endless variants requiring more vaccination, and death.  And the answer is, its not plausible. The resistance is mainly down to Peter McCullough at this point, with great work from Dr Malone and a few others.  The legal system seems to have failed.   Up to now, the response was probably very well predicted by these elite players.  Weve been gamed.

A recent study by Nature Magazine found that 80% of scientists doing interviews were trolled or threatened.  15% recieved death threats, 2% were actually attacked and almost 60% were defamed.

On 10/16/2021 5:35 PM, Max wrote:
As more and more highly vaccinated countries see equal or greater infection in the vaccinated, this article from Geert Vanden Bossche is relevant.  The future is dire, thinks to mankinds hubris and greed

'Keep looking at snapshots and you’ll never see where this pandemic is headed until it reaches its final destination.'


"As the evolutionary dynamics of the virus in highly vaccinated countries/regions are now placing huge immune selection pressure on the viral fitness landscape, it is fair to postulate that the highly diversified spectrum of evolutionary trajectories of this pandemic seen in different highly vaccinated countries will now rapidly narrow down to a more uniform path characterized by the following, prognostically unfavorable features:

Waning of vaccine efficacy as mirrored by a relative increase of morbidity and mortality rates in vaccinees over time A relative increase of morbidity and mortality rates over time in vaccinees as compared to the unvaccinated A relative increase in suboptimal immunity over time in both the vaccinees and unvaccinated individuals (due to diminished vaccine efficacy and suboptimal naturally elicited Abs, respectively), which may translate into a relative increase in cases of ADE (Ab-dependent enhancement of Covid-19 disease pathology)
A relative increase in the base-line infectivity rate over time
Continuing waves of increased infection, morbidity, and mortality rates
A relative increase in the  frequency of more infectious viral variants with immune-resistant phenotypes over time"

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