Found this on another silver list.  May be of interest.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 2:17 AM
Subject: [colloidalsilver] Digest Number 13

> There is 1 message in this issue.
>  Topics in today's digest:
>       1. Colloidal Silver Newsletter
>            From: Steve Barwick <>
> Message: 1
>    Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 12:17:19 -0800
>    From: Steve Barwick <>
> Subject: Colloidal Silver Newsletter
> Using Colloidal Silver Against Bloodborne Infections:
> New Protocol Against AIDS Shows Promise
> [Editor's Note: I have made reference in several past articles to a new
> protocol for using colloidal silver to treat AIDS.  This protocol was
> originally developed by Dr. Philip Burris, Ph.D., and was successfully
> tested on animals with HIV-like disease.  Later, it was tested by Dr.
> Cesar Garcia Ramirez, MD on several dying AIDS patients, with what
> appear to be phenomenally successful results.  A brief article
> containing a background history of these studies was written by a Dr.
> Charles D. Beal, M.D., and was subsequently posted to an internet site
> on June 6, 1998 at the following address:
> Since I first referenced Dr. Beal's article and gave the web site
> address so others could access it, the article has mysteriously been
> pulled from the web site and is no longer available.  Fortunately, I had
> downloaded the article before it was removed.  Below, I have reprinted
> it in its entirety, solely for non-commercial, educational purposes.  It
> is my hope that the research described in this article is continuing,
> and will be made public as further data becomes available.  If anyone
> has additional information on this research, or on any successful
> medically documented protocol for using colloidal silver against AIDS or
> other bloodborne infections, please email me at the email address posted
> at the bottom of this article.]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Silver Ion Therapy for HIV/AIDS and Septicemia
> by Dr. Charles D. Beal, M.D.
> Silver in various forms has long been known to be microbicidal.  In
> recent years it has been used to sterilize waste water, often in
> combination with chlorine as a means to reduce the dosage of chlorine
> needed.  Silver iodide and other silver salts have been used medically
> as antiseptics for decades.  In l978, Dr. Robert O. Becker, an
> orthopedic surgeon treated a series of infected, open long bone
> fractures, resistant to all available antibiotics.  He used silver ions
> produced by a low intensity direct current (LIDC) applied to silver
> coated nylon meshes placed on the open wounds.
> The report showed excellent results, but did not generate much interest
> in the medical community, which continued to rely on new antibiotics as
> they became available, but still with not infrequent failures.
> In 1989, while attending the international AIDS Conference in San
> Francisco, Philip Burris, Ph.D., wondered if silver ions could be used
> to kill the HIV virus in humans.  He was able to have done in vitro
> studies showing that the LIDC technology could prevent the transmission
> of the HIV virus from infected to non-infected lymphocytes without
> damaging the lymphocytes.  Other studies showed many bacteria to be
> quite sensitive to silver ions, with human cells being much less
> sensitive.  Waste water studies of viruses occurring in sewage found the
> hepatitis A virus to be the most resistant to silver ions, the polio
> virus less resistant, and the rotovirus the most sensitive.  The
> hepatitis virus, of course, is known to be quite resistant to
> antiseptics, heat and drying.  The method appears useful for the
> eradication of Legionella pneumophilia from cooling systems.
> Rationale for Treatment of HIV With Silver Ions
> Silver ions are produced in enormous quantities when an electric current
> is passed through silver metal in saline or other conducting solution,
> including blood.  The amount of current needed is much lower than the
> current needed to affect the heart muscle.  Silver ions are positively
> charged while viruses and bacteria have a weak negative charge.  Thus,
> there is a mutual attraction between the ions and the organisms, the
> latter being inactivated by the ions.  It seems likely that the silver
> ions also attach to red blood cells and proteins in the blood, as well
> as combining with chloride ions.  Nevertheless, the enormous quantity of
> silver ions produced appear adequate to destroy the viral particles.
> The half-life of the ions in the blood is calculated to be 7.8 seconds,
> giving them time to react with many virons, particularly if the
> electrode is placed in a large blood vessel, such as the superior vena
> cava, which empties directly into the heart with blood from many
> different veins.  The blood entering the heart then is pumped
> immediately to the lungs where the ions should still be active.  It is
> not known, however, whether silver ions delivered via the blood stream
> will be found to be useful to treat pulmonary infections.  The blood
> returning to the heart  after oxygenation then is distributed to the
> remainder of the body.  An electrode placed in an artery should be able
> to deliver the ions directly and rapidly to the target organ.  How
> practical or effective such treatment would be is not known.
> Animal Studies
> Both cats and certain primates can be infected with a fatal disease
> caused by retroviruses similar to HIV.  The feline immunodeficiency
> virus (FIV) appears to be transmitted to other cats through the saliva,
> that is through biting.  FIV is not known to be infectious to humans.
> Dr. Burris was able to obtain one very ill FIV infected cat from a
> neighbor, but could not convince any veterinarian in the area to treat
> the cat with silver ions.  Eventually he found a research veterinarian
> practicing in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, who anesthetized the
> cat, placed a silicone rubber catheter containing a silver wire
> protruding from its end into the superior vena cava via a jugular vein.
> A cathode was attached to the skin of the chest.  The microamp power
> indicated above was applied for 22 minutes by means of a small power
> supply, followed by the nanoamp power for 90 minutes.  It was assumed
> that the cat would soon die of its disease.  Thus the primary purpose of
> this treatment was to determine silver levels in the blood.  It was
> found that the natural level was increased only briefly by about 10%.
> All animals maintain trace amount of silver in the body.  Of great
> interest, however, is that by the second post-treatment day the cat
> began eating well, and within four weeks the many sores on its back and
> ears had healed.  The cat was treated in March, l996, and at the present
> appears perfectly healthy.  It is not known whether some infectious
> agents remain in the cat's body.  Since that apparently successful
> effort, attempts have been made to obtain the FIV infected cats for
> treatment, but so far without success.  We have been informed, however,
> that in recent years neither the FDA nor the National Institutes of
> Health (NIH) have been requiring animal studies prior to evaluating
> anti-HIV drugs in humans.
> Human Studies
> Cesar Garcia Ramirez, MD, practicing in Tijuana, became aware of the FIV
> treatment, and felt that it would be a compassionate act to at least try
> the therapy on some of his dying AIDS patients.  He obtained permission
> from the Baja California Division of Public Health, as well as agreement
> for the treatment protocol from a group of physicians serving as the
> institutional Review Board (Human Studies Committee).  Volunteer
> patients were fully informed and signed consent forms.  Initially, three
> very ill patients were chosen.  Silver electrodes in silicon rubber
> catheters were placed in arm veins and passed up as far as the vena
> cava, or near to it.  Each patient was treated for 12 minutes at 2.5
> microamps, then for 72 hours at 125 microamps except that one patient
> was treated for only 48 hours.  All three patients felt better by the
> second day, and considerably better by Day 5.  Viral loads dropped
> precipitously, almost to zero in one patient and much lower than the
> initial count in the other two.  Laboratory and clinical results are
> attached. [Editor's note: the results were not accessible on the web
> site.]  The next three months were spent in equipment improvement,
> seeking to be able to reduce viral loads rapidly to zero in all
> patients, and to be able to maintain the zero level for weeks or months
> if need be until the badly damaged immune system has had time to recover
> and be able to itself to combat the infection.  The virus is present not
> only in the blood stream, but also in lymph nodes and other organs of
> the body.
> Currently in the Tijuana study catheters are implanted; in the
> subclavian vein (behind the clavicle) and extend to the right auricle of
> heart, with the electrode protruding from the end of the catheter.
> Since the electrodes in their present form oxidize and stop producing
> ions in about 5 days, the present system allows the silver electrode to
> be removed and replaced while the catheter remains in place.  Using this
> method viral levels have been maintained at zero, or nearly so for six
> weeks in one patient.  Her CD4 count is now beginning to rise, as is the
> total lymphocyte count.  Most importantly, she feels very much better
> than prior to treatment.  She also was infected with herpes, hepatitis
> C, toxoplasmosis of the brain, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) affecting one
> eye.  It thus is very surprising that the patient has improved so much.
> Whether any of these secondary opportunistic infections have in reality
> been successfully treated can be determined only after prolonged
> follow-up.  Many more patients will need to be treated and followed for
> these often fatal complications.
> In addition to the work described above, 18 AIDS patients, all seriously
> ill are now under treatment.  The therapy is being done on a
> compassionate basis, responding to very strong pressure from the local
> AIDS community, their families and friends.  Unfortunately, in none of
> these 18 is adequate laboratory work being performed, simply because the
> cost of the rather extensive studies required to document the value of
> silver ion therapy is too great.  Virtually all of these patients are
> destitute.  It is very gratifying, nevertheless, that all of them now
> are feeling very much better, and some quite well.  It is little wonder
> that there is such pressure for treatment.
> Side Effects of Silver Ion Therapy
> Until now no side effects attributable to this therapy have been
> observed.  It should be remembered that the present most effective oral
> therapy available - protease inhibitors used in combination with other
> drugs is quite toxic, producing many side effects, enough so that some
> patients are unable to tolerate the therapy.  One patient that was
> treated with silver ions for only 48 hours had a serious flare-up of his
> herpes infection soon after the treatment was stopped.  On the other
> hand, the woman described above who was treated for 6 weeks, experienced
> a disappearance of her herpes lesion.  At present it is impossible to
> say whether the silver ion therapy was the cause of the effect in either
> case.
> Silver Metal Toxicity
> Silver appears to be a relatively non-toxic trace metal for mammals.  It
> is largely metabolized and excreted by the liver into the bile and
> eliminated from the body.  In the past the excessive and long term use
> of silver compound nose and eye drops in some people were found to
> produce a grayish discoloration of the skin, termed "argyria."  Even the
> large amount of silver required to produce this staining appeared to
> cause no other problems.  Some silver compounds, such as silver nitrate
> are highly caustic.  It has been observed that ingestion of 10 grams of
> this substance is fatal to human adults, but the amount of colloidal
> silver entering the body using the above protocol is measured in
> micrograms.  It is not certain that some months of treatment will not
> produce evidence of toxicity, but it is considered a very good sign that
> none has been observed so far.
> Anticipated Further Studies
> As of the present only 4 patients have been treated and followed with
> adequate laboratory studies.  The ideal design of the equipment and its
> use in the body continues to need exploration.  How long initial therapy
> needs to be continued remains to be determined, and whether periodic
> pretreatment will be required can only be determined by long term
> follow-up of the patients.  Whether silver ion therapy will work best in
> combination with other modes of treatment must be explored.  It is
> believed that for the initial Phase 1 studies conducted in Tijuana a
> total of 50 patients need to be treated and carefully followed,
> collecting enough laboratory and clinical data to present to the US FDA,
> as well as regulatory bodies of other countries, in order to gain
> permission to continue the trials in the USA and elsewhere.  Laboratory
> research needs to accompany the clinical work.  It seems likely that
> there will be many other applications for silver ion therapy, such as
> the treatment of septicemias (bacteremias) and other infections.
> Septicemia is a very common cause of death in seriously ill and in some
> healthy patients who contract antibiotic resistant ("killer")
> streptococci, as well as other highly pathogenic bloodborne organisms.
> Septicemia being bloodborne, should be immediately and forcefully
> reacted upon by the silver ions.  For antibiotic resistant septicemias
> there presently are no satisfactory therapeutic options, though many
> millions of dollars have been spent in the search.
> Some of the many agents responsible for respiratory infections may
> respond to the therapy.  Preliminary laboratory work can help define
> which infections are more likely to respond.  It is known that some
> leukemias and certain other cancers are related to viral infections.
> Some patients suffering from chronic fatigue and similar syndromes may
> have indolent viral infections.  All of these possibilities need to be
> explored as to whether or not they will respond to silver ions.  Agents
> of tropical diseases such as malaria, typhoid, Chagas, and leishmaniasis
> should undergo preliminary laboratory evaluation prior to human trials.
> Lassa, Ebola and Hanta Viruses, often rapidly fatal, might respond to
> quite short term, easily administered therapy.  Thus almost certainly
> the most immediate and urgent use of silver ions will be found in the
> treatment of HIV/AIDS and septicemia.  Still, many other possibilities
> eventually should be explored.
> ---------------------------------------
> Note:  Information printed in this newsletter is received from sources
> deemed reliable, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made
> regarding the accuracy of same.  Therefore readers are encouraged to
> verify for themselves and to their own satisfaction the accuracy of all
> reports, recommendations, conclusions, comments, and opinions.
> Additionally, the contents of this newsletter are strictly for
> information purposes only, and should not in any way be construed as
> providing or attempting to provide medical advice.  You should always
> consult with a competent and fully- informed medical professional before
> making any personal or family health-care decisions.
> Silver Bullet Enterprises
> "World's Finest Home Colloidal Silver Generators"
> 25277 W. Main St., Dept. INT
> Lenwood, CA  92311
> Voice: (760) 253-2988
> Fax:  (760) 253-1158
> Email:

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