Phew ! We have our own over-the-top Greta Thunberg plus swearing and now lying.!

I suggest everyone write in to or and complain about the crass behaviour. is the list service provider.

It won't be a loss. She gives very little to no information to back her shouty, rude stance. Her info is doubful at the very best and her links either go nowhere or are just clickbait sites ie garbage.


On 2021/10/28 17:59, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
Linda I never used "vulgar" language till it was used on me many many many times. Short term memory loss?

<> Virus-free. <>


On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 9:55 AM Linda Ellis < <>> wrote:

    One of Cyndiann's fatal flaws is her thinking that she's the only
    one on this list that has any contact with doctors and nurses to ask
    about conditions "on the ground."  Another of her fatal flaws is
    treating everybody else on this list like we're all stupid
    lemmings.  A third fatal flaw is her constant vulgarity.  If she
    really wanted to persuade anybody here to her viewpoint, she would
    benefit greatly from some time with a Dale Carnegie course - and
    taking a cue from a lesson I learned from my parents.  People who
    constantly use vulgar language are simply showing their own lack of
    education and vocabulary.

    Since she's sticking to her script, I assume she has no real
    interest in persuading anybody.  She's apparently getting some other
    benefit by continuing to post her screed.  I'm thinking maybe this
is the closest she gets to having any people pay attention to her. Probably has driven away everybody who could get away.  Probably has
    little social life - probably gets a lot of "I have to wash my hair"
    excuses when trying to set up a social event.

    I'm still trying to block her, but I may actually have to change
    servers to accomplish this task.

    *From: *"Cyndiann Phillips" <
    *Date: *Sat, Oct 23, 2021 12:53 pm
    *To: * <>
    *Subject: *Re: CS>covid fatality chart
    The only ones in hospitals that are vaccinated are the staff.

    On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 12:53 PM Cyndiann Phillips < <>> wrote:

        No they aren't. They really aren't. Go ask a nurse that works in
        the ICU.
        Believing this makes you not do what you need to do so you won't
        die. Why are you not upset at them for telling you lies that
        will kill you?

        On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 6:02 PM MaryAnn Helland < <>> wrote:

            You're the one believing lies.  Most of the people in
hospitals now are vaccinated -- twice -- plus boostered. And they're still sick, still in the hospital, and still
            dying.  The so-called 'vaccines' don't work.
            On Friday, October 22, 2021, 11:57:57 AM CDT, Cyndiann
            Phillips < <>>
            Yeah if you believe the lies. It's a fake chart.
            Most the people in hospitals now are unvaccinated and under 50.

            On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 8:56 AM MaryAnn Helland <

                That's what's insane about this whole
                plandemic/injection issue.  You have better than a
                ninety-nine percent chance of not getting Novid.  And if
                you do get it, you have better than a ninety-nine
                percent of surviving it, even in the 75+ age group.  And
                for this, we have destroyed people's lives and the
                economy.  Insanity.
                On Friday, October 22, 2021, 01:32:40 AM CDT, Max <
       <>> wrote:

                Covid, a disease of hyper-inflammation in the old and unwell


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