Great info Jean. There is a Chinese herb, Yunnan Baiyao that will also stop 
bleeding internally and externally. It's available online. The Viet Cong used 
this for gunshot wounds in the Vietnam War.
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On Sat Nov 20 20:38:38 PST 2021 Jean Baugh wrote:
I forgot one very important thing to keep on hand besides colloidal sliver, a 
nebulizer, hydrogen peroxide (food grade is probably best but all I had was OTC 
years ago when I had a chronic cough and the hydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer 
took care of it), garlic is great as an antibiotic, but the one herb I can't do 
without is cayenne pepper.

I have saved 6 animals from bleeding to death by giving this herb orally. I 
never knew how it worked for years until I read it keeps you from bleeding out.

One time I had an Anatolian who at 8 years old, had a massive breast cancer and 
the vet said he got all he could. She was swaddled tightly but could not stop 
bleeding. I asked the vet to wait and I'd be right back. Went to the grocery 
store, bought some cayenne pepper, went back to the vet, got a 6cc syringe, put 
quite a bit of cayenne pepper and then water in it, straddled the 140 lb dog, 
held her head level so it wouldn't go into her lungs, shook the cayenne well, 
then drenched her at the back of her mouth. She spit for 30 minutes but I was 
able to pick her up the next day and take her home. Long story short, she lived 
6 more years.

My Pit? dog got into a fight with a wild hog/s a week ago. She had slashes all 
over and around her neck and one deep wound that apparently had a cut artery on 
her top right shoulder, and she was staggering. I sprayed all the wounds that 
were open with colloidal silver, then gave her some colloidal silver to drink, 
which she did. Then I poured a capsule of cayenne pepper and poured it on the 
shoulder wound. It slowed the bleeding but didn't stop it. I got out the sliced 
ham and rolled up a cayenne (Nature's Way 40,000IU capsule), in it. It took two 
tries because she had difficulty opening her mouth but it totally stopped the 
bleeding in minutes. I would have taken her to the vet if I thought it would 
help but at that point, that would have been far more stressful.

By the next day, all of the slashes were as though they had never happened! I 
did take her to the vet several days later who suggested I leave her for a few 
days for her shoulder wound was 2" deeper than he thought and it needed to be 

BTW, over a year ago this dog had two 5% dextrose/95% saline injections, and 
then one repeat about a month later. I'd taken her to a vet because she had 
trouble walking. An X-ray showed it was bad arthritis in her hips. She is on 
the scale of 10 now! Dr. Gerhauser told about this. It's called Prolotherapy. 
This causes stem cells on demand.
