Dear silver-list'ers,

We have a list archive at

... but the search engine they provide there is a *little* quirky. 
Here are a couple of tips I've worked up...

The worst thing about it is you have to search Subject lines before 
they give you the option of searching message bodies. We all know how 
closely Subject lines follow the content of the message, don't we? 
*NOT*! <grin>

This would be useful, at best, for pulling up an entire thread once 
you know the subject line. I'd usually rather search the bodies to 
begin with.

Here's how to get around this.

To do a search of message bodies directly, cut and past the 
following url into the address line of your web browser:

After the "=", type in the words of the phrase you want to search 
for, separated by plus signs (+).

Example: To search for the phrase "honest politician", the last half 
of the url would look something like this:

 ... search.html?qbody=honest+politician

Note that you'll be searching for the exact phrase "honest 
politician" only. You won't get hits on "honest as a politician" or 
"...politician who is honest...". 

The way it's set up means we're pretty much limited to searches on
single words or very short phrases. I don't know yet how to get it
to do a more flexible Boolean search.

Another important foible of the archive is that it's hard to go back 
to a specific date.

Say you knew there was an interesting thread back in January of this
year. There are over 160 pages of date index right now. Paging 
through all of them to get back to January would be tedious, at best. 

There is something to help with this a little, and possibilities for 
making it much easier to use later.

First, go back to the first date index page:

Just above the index list is a line of navigation links:

"Date Index page 1 of 161. [First] [Prev] [Next] [Last] (Switch to
Thread Index) (Switch to Author List)"

Clicking on [Next] gets you to the index page before the current one. 
You'll note that the url now looks something like

You can manually change the "2" to a different number, going back
to whatever page whose number you type in without having to page 
through all of the ones in between.

Going back to our example of trying to get to January 1999, I tried 
typing in 50, and came out somewhere in July. 100 landed me in April, 
and 130 back in July '98. I got to early Feb with 110, and early 
January, finally, with 113.

Ugly, yes, but faster than paging through all 113 pages it would have 
taken to get there the other way.

It looks like it might be pretty straighforward to code up a little
index to the index so we can have a web based form that will let you
go directly to any particular date. However, as pages are added to
the archive the number of all the pages goes up one. So, some
arithmetic will be needed to make it work right.

However, I'm not yet up to speed with CGI script coding enough to
tackle it. I hope these two tips will help you at least a little bit
in the meantime.

If there are any great coders out there who wanna take a crack at 
some web-based controls and forms for making this navigation a little 
easier, let me know in e-mail.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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