Greetings Listers,

I have been using the C.S. in my sick bunnies eye now for about three days, and 
I am cautiously optimistic.  The infection seems to be clearing up some.  
Sparrow has suggested injecting C.S. directly into the abscess, which I can do 
with one of the abscesses on his cheek, but I can't do with the abscess near 
his tear duct.  I am giving him C.S. via an eyedropper to the eye and am hoping 
for antibiotic and tissue healing results for the eye and tear duct problems.  
Cross your fingers, guys, my daughter is really attached to this rabbit.  (I am 
too.)  Any advice would be welcomed.  I have heard of implantable antibiotic 
beads that vets are using with great success.  Rabbit abscesses, from what I 
understand, are very hard to get to because the abscesses have a thick capsule 
with thick toothpaste-like contents.  Systemic antibiotics are questionably 
effective, beause it is doubtful that anything can get past the abscess 
capsule.  I have heard of vets injecting Gentocin directly into abscesses, so I 
don't see why an injection of C.S. would hurt.  Anyone have any ideas as to ppm 
for this kind of an application?  I am thinking a higher ppm maybe?

Well wishes,