
I am not sure that it is damaging as such, after all it has been
present in all the water ever consumed, but there may be benefits for
energy utilisation with less in the system. Also
http://www.hydros.com/ claim that their deuterium depleted water can
inhibit cancer and other ailments that involve rampant cell division.

You wont be any worse for not skimming the water, and I don't really
know if it works or not (works in theory). I am going to set up a
fractionising distillation apparatus which I know will produce
deuterium restricted water and test it out.


----- Original Message -----
From: Katarina Wittich <kato...@mindspring.com>
To: Silver A <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, 19 November 1999 11:18
Subject: CS>Ivan/heavy water question

> Hi Ivan,
> I've been freezing water to structure it -- but this skimming off
> surface ice is a real pain. How damaging is heavy water? What does
it do? Do
> you think it's necessary to skim?
> Thanks so much,
> Katarina

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