according to dr. hulda clark, the chemist, rubbing oil, if it is anything like isopropyl alcohol,
is something you want to keep away from you as far as possible.

search hulda clark on the net to find out.

At 03:47 AM 21-11-1999 , you wrote:

I did this last week and had the same results. I think what happen is that
some of the peroxide stayed in my ear. The pains just got worse and more
frequent and I knew I had to do something. I mixed hot water and rubbing
alcahol 50/50 in a syringe (no needle!) and shot it into my ear. Then I put my
little finger in my ear and pulled down to sort of elongate the canal. I could
feel the trapped warm liquid flow out. I repeated it again and everything
settled right down.

I think that anytime you put liquid in your ears, you must make sure it drains.

I don't know that what I did was medically sound, but it stopped the pain and
all is well.

I used the hot water and the alcahol as a solvent, thinking that the blockage
might be aided by wax. I once tried straight alcahol and got a bit of a buzz.

I keep a 20cc cattle syringe with a "slap shot" (plastic tube for injecting animals)
in my med drawer and it comes in handy.

I know how much that hurts...hope you get some relief.


Katarina Wittich wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I've got a nasty headachey sinusey miserable flu - so in addition to gulping
> cs I also tried the peroxide in the ears -- and I now have one very painful
> ear -- sort of sharp shooting pains -- so I'm not so sure about that method
> at all!
> Just wanted to add my little warning to whoever else it was who had the
> shooting pains from peroxide.
> Katarina
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