In a message dated 11/21/99 1:53:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Boy, I sure opened a can of worms with the female problems.. We may have to
 change the name of this list.  I am also a BIG coffee drinker..  I just
 can't seem to get along without it.  I guess I should really try, huh.
 Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution<lol>  Thanks for all the good
 advice.  I may get healthy yet, in spite of myself. >>


If I drink coffee, I am directly in the bathroom.........too much 
information?  LOL  But I personally don't want the caffeine.  I gave up on 
tea w/caffeine, too.  I won't give up the chocolate, though.  Never !!!!!!  
An occasional divine treat =-)

You might want to try blending  your coffee with the Postem and transitioning 
that way.  Just make half a cup of postem (1/2 spoonful) and then fill the 
rest up w/coffee and see how that goes.  They really do taste similar.  

Not too long ago, Postem came out with a "coffee flavor" as an addition to 
the regular flavor.  I cannot tell the difference, but hubby says he can.  I 
mean...between the two types of Postem.  Not coffee vs. postem.  

Just a thought.....


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