Hi Yvonne:o,

I have been using olive oil for everything for
years.  Mostly salad dressing and soups.  I
heard that studies indicate that the high
consumption of this oil by people in the middle
east may explain why the rate of heart attacks
in those countries is so low.

Because of the high price of organic I always
buy extra virgin olive oil at the supermarket.
Since the olives are probably sprayed with
chemical insecticides I often wonder if this
stuff is almost as bad as regular refined
vegetable oil.


----- Original Message -----
From: O2 Communication <o2c...@global.co.za>
To: <fernwo...@aol.com>; <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:06 AM
Subject: RE: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil

> Great news re. fleas - should surely work for dogs as well?
> During nutrition training some years ago, I leanred from Dr Don Lawson
> that one should only cook with olive oil and butter (monosaturates) as
> compared with the polyunsaturates which, when heated, become
> and that's how we've cooked, very healthily ever since ...!
> Yvonne:o)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fernwo...@aol.com [mailto:fernwo...@aol.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 3:15 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil
>     To those asking about jewel weed, here is a link with a great picture.
> I
> have used it all my life to prevent problems after touching poison ivy.
> HREF="http://altnature.com/jewelweed.htm";>jewel weed, poison ivy, poison
> cure, folk medicine</A>
>     As to the discussion of cats, do you know about using brewers yeast to
> prevent fleas.  In PA, I give each cat 1/4 teaspoon a day mixed with
> cat food.  I do this March through November, and they never have fleas
> But you must start early, before there are any fleas around, or the fleas
> will move off the cats onto you.
>     I had used Canola oil because it was recommended by Nutrition Action
> the best, until I recently read many horrible things about it.  By the
> did you know it is in most peanut butters?  So I switched to Soy oil
> soy is supposed to be so good for you.  But now someone said there are
> dangers with soy oil.  Could anyone explain what the problem is with soy
> oil?
>                                                         Karen
> --
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