In a message dated 11/29/1999 11:50:12 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Too much tofu induces ‘brain aging,’ study shows >>
A Hawaii research team says
high consumption of the soy product
by a group of men lowered
mental abilities

Maybe its just a man thing.  hehehehe

So all those weight lifters and body builders are aging their brains huh from 
taking all that Soy?  I thought some of them acted strange.  My son takes Soy 
and is 23 and sure has acted a lot more mature in the last few years.  LOL :)

  <A HREF="";>Hotflash! - 
FAQ - Soy & Isoflavones</A> 

Our body then reacts as if there really is estrogen at the sites.  This can 
help out tremendously with some of the symptoms brought on by perimenopause 
and menopause.   Some research suggests that by doing this soy can decrease 
hot flashes and vaginal dryness, in addition to providing other health 

Japanese women, whose diet is very high in soy, have much fewer perimenopause 
and menopause symptoms. Current studies attribute this to their high 
isoflavone diet.

Soy and the isoflavones that are in soy also have a number of other healthy 
roles.   Soy can lower cholesterol, increase bone density (soy is generally 
high in calcium) and possibly decrease the risk of developing breast cancer. 
(though the evidence for this is not completely in yet).   Soy also may have 
long standing benefits for men in preventing and recovering from prostate 

Take Care,

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