Thankyou Sam
I'll give him a hug for you  :o)

The CS is working in his eye, it seems to be clearing the infection up some,
but so far I am not having any luck with the abscess.  I've been told that
rabbit abcesses are really stubborn, and that even if you have them
surgically removed, they will just keep coming back.  I am hoping that the
silver I am putting in his eye will drain down through his sinuses and maybe
I can get him cured that way.

Thanks for knowledge and advice!

Thankyou too, Sparrow!
From: Sam Earle <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cindy - rabbit treatment

>The hazard of DMSO that Ivan mentions here is minimal. DMSO will carry
>solvents, chemicals, etc. through living tissues, but it kills bacteria and
>virus, so not to worry about carrying infections and such. It is also a
>poweful antioxidant and the only compound I know of that acts as an
>intracellular antioxidant. DMSO is an excellent choice for carrying CS to
>bunnie's abcess. Good luck, and hug your bunny for me.
>> Cindy,
>> In experiments Rabbits were protected from streptococci septicemia and
>> not harmed by the injection of 3 cc of 40ppm silver colloid. This
>> would be equivalent to 12mls of 10ppm CS, and higher amounts orally
>> would probably cause no harm. An eye dropper sounds appropriate.
>> You might also consider mixing CS with a small amount of DMSO (the
>> unoxidised form of MSM, available at veterinary supply outlets) and
>> administer directly to affected area. DMSO has the property of
>> transporting compounds through the dermal layer and through out the
>> body. Be careful with DMSO as it will transport toxins found on the
>> skin surface of the administerer (?) also.
>> Ivan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Cindy Powell <>
>> > Ivan, I am also wondering what your recommendation would be for
>> dosing my
>> > rabbit internally?  I would basically have to give him the whole
>> dose with
>> > an eye dropper because he doesn't like anything added to his
>> drinking water.
>> > Still a little scared about the good bacteria die off because his
>> health is
>> > a little fragile as it is, but I may have to get more aggressive
>> with some
>> > sort of therapy.
>> >
>> > Well wishes,
>> > Cindy
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