
Sorry to hear about your complexion. Stopping CS ingestion would seem
to be a wise decision at this time, although a grey complexion can be
caused by a number factors other than silver ingestion.

Unless you have taken large amounts of CS in the past months it is
likely that the change in skin colour is due to some other condition.
However, it has been reported that those people who are deficient in
Vit E or Selenium and those who take large doses of Selenium or have
damaged livers are more at risk of Silver toxicity.

"Generalized argyria is indicated by slate-gray skin and hair
colouring, silver finger nails, a blue halo around the cornea and in
the conjunctiva of the eye, disturbance of dark adaptation and
turbidity of the anterior lens capsule. The tissue content and
distribution pattern of silver deposition is a function of the intake
route, quantity and chemical form."

Not a happy time for you, and I hope the professional advice you seek
will resolve the matter, and I trust that the skin discolouration is
the result of some readily reversed condition.

Our hearts go out to you Donna,


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