-----Original Message----- From: Carol M. Ryan [mailto:myownm...@home.com] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 1:07 AM To: Robert Ratliff Subject: Re: CS>Olive Leaf
My protocol for glaucoma 1. MSM drops every hour of the persons awake. This lowers the pressure buildup. It works. I buy them from Bill Rich distributors 877-Bill Rich. 2. Natrum Mur 12X 6 pellets 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal and wait to eat or drink 30 minutes after a meal. This lowers the pressure in the eye also, it takes about a month. This is available in a health store. 3. A very potent bilberry with extra amounts of antioxidants made specifically for my father by a person who only deals with Doctors. I have access to his formulas if anyone is interested. They do not come in bottles but in plastic bags in bulk. This man has literally saved my fathers eye. I did not mention in my last message that my father was declared blind. After a month on Jeff's formulas he is reading the newspaper, watching TV, taking walks by himself, and can read the restaurant sign across the street. 3. Aloe and mushroom. this formula is similar to MGN-3 only much more potent. It is for the immune system. Jeff made this for my sister who has cancer and underwent radiation and chemo. It has helped my father, sister and husband The Aloe potency is approximately 5 times the potency you get in a health store. Jeff is also a healer first and a business man second. 4. Mushroom with antioxidants. I interchange this with Aloe and mushroom. It contains many of the mushrooms that are know to benefit the immune. 5. Jeff has a special mineral formula called Hot Minerals. 6. I serve fresh carrot juice with a powered green formula again from Jeff. 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. It contains all the greens like wheat grass, barley grass, I could get the formula if you are interested. Again in the health store the energy force, or the health promoting properties would measure in around 1500. Jeff's measure in between 7 to 10,000. He has an outside lab do the testing, which is available to me. 7. I also have what Jeff call Living Wheat greens. Also very high potency. 8. I use reverse osmosis water then I put it through another filter called Living Water. I always try a product that I get good testimonies on, I am using this on myself to test out and now I can honestly recommend it. It is doing something very good for my health, I have a health issue for about a year now, and I am seeing benefits in only a week. 9. On each meal I serve my father I add 1/4 tsp. of enzymes and 1/8tsp of cultures. To unclog the carotid artery and blocked retina I give my father 1 tsp. enzymes and 1/8 tsp. cultures in between meal. When you take this combination in between meals it has no competition with food and it acts like pac man and just cleans out the blood and arteries. It works like magic. 10. I changed his diet to a vegan vegetarian until he felt some results, now that he is not blind I give him a regular diet of meat and veg. All organic and meats untreated with antibiotics etc. Still no milk though because of the mucus it can cause in his head. I use almond, soy milk. 11. Vitamin E 200 mg. 2 times a day. 12. Fresh wheat grass with fresh carrot juice once a day. 13. Salad is a must once a day 14. For a dessert I freeze bananas, strawberries, etc. put them in a blender with some organic applejuice or fresh apple juice and make ice cream. 15. A big plus is 2 Tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed in juice or as a cereal with banana. 16. I just learned how beneficial Gotu Kola and Fo ti is so I give him 1/4 tsp. of each 2 times a day in juice. 17. CS drops in his eyes when infection presented itself and any where from 1/4 C of CS to 1/2 c of CS every day. 18. There is a product called Immunocal that helps pretty much every disease because of the L gluthione. I am now switching over to Jeff's product that is like Immunocal but has more supporting ingredients than the Immunocal that I have been giving him. I am totally convinced of Jeff's formulas because I saw my father respond so quickly in only a week he could see that the door knob was brass. CS got my husband out of bed and mowing the lawn in a few days but he didn't feel right. In less than a week on all of the above formulas he said he felt normal!!!!!! and he still does not give up his Twinkies or Entenmanns cakes, he resists nutrition altogether. 19. The last products I give my father and husband is MSM 1- 1/2 tsp. to 1/2 tsp. of Ascorbate Vitamin C also from Bill Rich. His is pure and costs $ 44.00 for 2 lbs. retail. His vitamin C is a 1 lb. container in powder form not capsules. All the formulas are powder and it worked out good for us because it saves having to swallow a hundred pills which I could not do for long. This formula started working in about a week and took only 1 1/2 to 2 months for my father to regain his sight. Good Health, Carol Ryan -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. 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