Hi Brooks,
thank you so much -- that is very helpful. I am so much more comfortable
acting based on the results of experiments by people I "know" than trying to
sort throuhg abstract theories and decide whats true.

So thank you for sharing your experiments.

>                             Dear Katarina.
>                         Back in late 1997 I posted some information that
> addressed the current draw considerations.  Our technical staff had
> determined that the "current rate"  appeared to have no effect, whatever, on
> particle size, no matter how rapid the rise in value----until it reached a
> specific region.....then agglomeration did start to occur.  These
> evaluations involved DC systems, only.  The nominal value for current, at
> which the particle sizes appeared to escalate in size, was around 12.5 M.A.
> for simple two electrode systems with average clearance distance
> approximately 1.25"  (Regardless of the applied voltage).  For four
> electrode systems using the same clearance distances, the current value was
> approximately 23.5 M.A.   There were numerous variations in the "exact"
> generation system arrangements (including, aggitation, accelerants,
> temperature, applied voltage, etc), but the single most important
> parameter---we believe---is the upper limit at which one regulates, or stops
> the current flow from the generation system.
>             In direct answer to your question relating to our using constant
> current limitation schemes (1 to 5 M.A.);   yes, we have employed a variety
> of them.  None yielded results with advantages sufficient enough to warrant
> their inclusion in our "high-volume" (or private) Colloidal Silver
> generation systems.   .
>                             Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley..

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