
I sure second J's opinion. I know I just said I know people who were
better after the gb was out. But why not try this first? We have 
gbs for a reason. And yes you can get stones in you liver ducts.

At 08:27 PM 12/6/99 EST, you wrote:
>IF you have your gall bladder out - your troubles will just be beginning
>the gallbladder flushes everyone is suggesting:  apple juice followed by 
>garlic, olive oil with OJ etc etc will work - eventually BUT if you have
>gallbladder out - you will not be able to eat hardly anything for the rest
>your life.  Everything you eat will make you desperately sick & nauseous.  
>You will be miserable - listen to us - Please.  And Sharon is right - the 
>stones won't go away either - you have stones that are backing up now as we 
>Go to the website I posted earlier - again Tom Harrelson' site for the 
>gallbladder flush - if all else fails - send me a private email - request -  
>I will type the sucker from scratch out of Schulze's book of protocol IF YOU 
>SWEAR AND PROMISE TO LISTEN TO US.  it is a very easy protocol and it
>taste that bad either.
>with fingers crossed:
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