Welcome  Harold:   I suppose everybody has to decide sometime in life

by taking the first step in the right direction. I am sure there are many
anecdotes  you can contribute to the silver list in  healthcare and at the
same time, you will be able to glean  a lot of useful information on
Colloidal Silver from the listers. I wish you a happy day. Be watchful for
replies to your posting from the  techno-
logical gurus.

         Are you from Texas, Harold,by any chance?  I like the song : " The
Yellow Rose of Texas  "

         I am trained in East-West medicine and I practise holistic medicine
Malaysia, South-East Asia. To me, Colloidal Silver ,even at 5 to 10ppm,
1 to 2 table-spoonful 3 to 4 times daily for adults and half the dosage for
children, serves as  a relentless,antimicrobial fighter.

       With regards

Harold Rand wrote:

> Will anyone tak to a novice? I have 27 volt dc CS maker. I would just
> like to like to know how long to leave electrodes in  one quart jar of
> distilled water to obtain 5ppm or thereabouts
> Canary Story
> A Texan cowboy was once riding the range in the middle of winter,
> looking
> for a stray cow he was afraid would freeze to death. He comes across a
> little yellow canary, shivering in the cold winter wind. Being a very
> kind
> hearted man, he picks up the canary, holds it in his hands, and blows on
> it
> to give some warmth. As he is doing this, he sees warm cow ship steaming
> in
> cold. So the cow has to be near by, but what to do with the poor canary.
> With a flash of inspiration, he puts the canary in side the cow chip to
> keep
> warm, and rides off looking for his cow.
> After in minute in the cow chip, the canary is feeling quite toasty, and
> starts chirping loudly. A coyote hears chirping, tracks it down, and
> eats
> the canary. This story coming from Texas, has three morals to it:
> * First, he who puts you in it, is not necessarily your enemy.
> * Second, he who gets you out of it, is not necessarily your friend.
> * Third, when you find your self up to your neck in it, for heavens
> sake,
> don't chirp about it.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>