Nicole, food allergies are a big culprit in causing migraines. Wheat, gluten, 
dairy products, peanuts, chocolate, & red wine and corn are the most common . I 
have known people who've gotten relief from migraines by taking a good quality 
EPA (the Omega 3 fatty acids)from fish oil. They usually add calcium and a lot 
of B complex, but the EPA is the most helpful. I also had one client whose 
migraines lessened a great deal when she switched from a job she hated to one 
that she enjoyed. Susan E.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Nichols <>
    To: <>
    Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 3:40 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>migraine help????
    Are you certain your sister has migraines or a sinus headache? Many people 
have come to use "migraine" as a generic term for headache. I get severe sinus 
based headaches because I am sensitive to candida and other molds. See a recent 
post to the Candida Forum ( describing this 
situation for several people. It seems suppressing the candida fixes the 