Gee, I don't know.  I would personally be a little afraid of ingesting anything
which is basically a tar product.  Lots of nasty stuff in it usually, which may
be great for killing pathogens topically, but internally is another matter.  I
would want to find a reference that indicates usage internally first, and I have
not seen that.

Marshall wrote:

> Marshall:
> yep those are some of the sites I found too - the question is - would it be
> safe to ingest?  The reason why - as a child (way to young to remember what
> the bottle looked like & my grandmother is dead) my grandmother would give us
> juniper tar aka Cade Oil for colds - chest colds especially - would kick it
> in the head - WOW - overnight - tasted like S$%T - but boy did it work.  So
> from those sites you listed - do you think a teaspoon on sugar (the way she
> used to give it to me) would kill me?
> Sure would like to try - apparently I am allergic to something in my condo
> and I obviously can't move . . .
> thanks in advance,
> jeannine
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