Bill:  I remember Stan reminding  us to talk Rife and not Colloidal Silver in
       of the postings on CS. I suppose he was merely trying to draw us back
       from wandering afar. Stan is opening the  Textbook of Bacteriology now !

       There are many out there wanting to help you. That includes me.

        With regards

fhlew wrote:

> Stan:  Probably, you have a gold nugget in your hand. You have not
> mentioned
>           the author/authors of  the book:  Textbook Of  Bacteriolgy. I am
> intrigued
>           by the short treatise on  " Light and Other Radiations"  which
> you have
>           emailed in 4 pages.At present, I am looking into the photobiotive
> effects
>            of photons on phytochemicals and colloidal minerals [ colloidal
> silver,in
>            particular]  reinforced either by Photodynamic Sensitization or
>            Photodynamic Therapy, across the Blood-Brain Barrier [ Recently
>            a second blood-brain barrier has been located by a research
> group]. A
>            Russian group reported in an article some time ago that the
> Cerebro-
>            spinal fluid circulation is not necessarily confined to the
> cerebro-spinal
>            space, it extends peripherally to the distal parts of the
> body,bathing all the
>            ramifications of the nervous system. This report is called to
> mind when
>            a Canadian Group reported that their findings of toxic heavy
> metals in the
>            brains  and nervous systems of fishes,by passing the blood brain
> barrier.
>                                      Light in photonic fluxes are conducted
> by special
>             channels in plants  and the human body. It has been proven that
> the
>             Meridians or Energy Channels delineated by the system of
> Acupuncture
>             conduct light. By  photonic stimulating of the relevant
> acupoints in the
>             body along the Meridians, light can be directed to the target
> area.
>                                       Photonic activation of the ATPase
> System ,inducing
>             extrapolation by widening of the water channels in the bilayer
> of cell
>             membrane, may facilitate better transportation  of
> phytochemicals or
>             colloidal minerals across cells lining the blood-brain barrier.
>             The induction may be effected by:
>                    1. Rife's Resonance Therapy
>                    2. Photon Sound Beam [ Lymphatic Massage ] -Ed Skilling
>                    3. Light-Emiting Diode Red Light Therapy [ LED] - NASA
>                       [ Using the Visible Red Light and the Infra-Red Light
> for
>                         photonic stimulation at acupoints for the routing
> of light
>                         along acupuncture pathways ]
>                     4. Colour Therapy: The 7  colours of  light [ VIBGOR]-
>                         each with a different wave-length for photonic
> stimulation of
>                         acupoints
>                                   Man's dependence on photosynthesis is in
> more ways
>                 than one for sustenance and health. The botanical side of
> man has
>                 need of stored up energy produced by the resonance of two
> different
>                wave-lengths of light  during photosynthesis. Hence, the
> energy in
>                plant food is the photosynthetic equivalent of a musical
> chord.
>                Whether in man or in a plant,physiologically or abstractly,
> life is a
>                 melody. Light is a photonic nutrient and is futuristic
> medicine.
>                            " What is good for the body is medicine and at
> the same
>                               time food "     -  Lin Yutang
>                " The Textbook of Bacteriology " published in 1939  is more
> than
>           just  " Light  and Other radiations ".  I would like to buy and
> keep this
>           book.
>           With regards
>                Lew
> ....
> "Stanley Truman Jr." wrote:
> > List, I was going through an antique store ( Looking for a Rife machine
> > <GRIN> ) and I found this book on the shelf. I started doing some
> > reading last night and there are some interesting pages in it.
> >
> > Below are the pages that I found. The name of the book is "Textbook Of
> > Bacteriology" and it was published in 1939.
> >
> > Start at reading at Light and other radiations.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Stan

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