In defense of both Chuck & Nicole & the person who answered the definition:

I understood from the first question where Nicole was coming from; I come 
from 400 years of Baptist ministers - literally - the first one being the 
first governor of South Carolina; Jerry Falwell pales in comparison to the 
conservativeness of my family.  BUT on the other hand, I have been the only 
member of the family to "explore" other denonimations/thought 
processes/religions - whatever.  I have even  dated 5 Atheists, which for a 
Christian is very unusual. . . .  But my point here is - yes there is alot of 
ignorance hidden behind religion AND has been for thousands of years. . .  If 
you don't come from mine or Nicole's background it would be hard for you to 
understand her concern - I did & share it.

My parents although ULTRA religious took me to a "witch" doctor that was 
famous in Georgia (she was written up in the Atlanta Journal here right 
around the time she died) to save my life when I was 3 months old. .. .  .  
she did.   Point being everything is relative. . .  my grandmother would be 
consider dowsing evil, you don't . . . 

hmm be nice now gang:
If you can't play nice, don't play.

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