Friday night (3/31/00) Art had remote viewer Ed "Dr. Doom" Dames on.
Near the 2AM station break Ed was talking about how he'd remote viewed
the AIDS virus and had been remote viewing for a cure for AIDS and
cancer. I wasn't listening too closely but then Ed said that the cure
seemed to have something to do with Colloidal Silver. Art said WHAT, and
Ed repeated himself, adding that there are various types of colloidal
silver (??) and that he wasn't sure what it meant yet. Then a station
break and it wasn't brought up again (I didn't really expect it to be).

Ed has a listing for a RA archive of the show (3/31/00) at It says that it isn't available yet
though. Since Art is retiring I don't know if an archive will appear at or not. It isn't much to listen to (the minute or so
mention of CS) but it sure did get my attention.


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