----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Hammell 
To: r.grosskl...@bgvv.de 
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 3:16 PM
Subject: CORRECTION: Dr.Rolf Grossklaus- Chair-Codex Committee on Nutrition & 
Foods for Special Dietary Use: WHY the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY??? GESUNDHEIT IST 

IAHF LIST & CODEX DELEGATES: Made an error in previous letter sent. Scrap 
previous one and replace it with this. I erred previously and used the word 
"inexpensive" when of course I meant "expensive" I've made the change below 
highlighted in red. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please post this version 
instead to your websites and forward it to more people. 

If you are a CODEX delegate and feel annoyed about receiving this, don't bitch 
to me, you need to ask some fundamental questions about the CODEX process in 
general since it excludes the voice of consumers who have no voting power in 
the "process" and who for the most part are excluded from the decision making 
process.Moreover, the Vitamin issue must be killed entirely at CODEX per the 
wishes of consumers as clearly expressed in '97 in Geneva. Rather than remove 
vitamins and minerals from the agenda entirely, as should have occurred, you 
are continuing against our will. It is necessary for all Codex delegates to go 
to http://www.rath.nl and to inform Dr.Rath in writing that you totally oppose 
the Codex Vitamin Proposal and wish it to be removed from the table, otherwise 
you will be charged as an accomplice to commit Genocide.

  X-Sender: m-8...@mailbox.swipnet.se 
  Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 03:00:00 +0200 
  To: John Hammell 
  From: Boris Dragin 
  Subject: Re: To: Dr.Rolf Grossklaus- Chair-Codex Committee on Nutrition & 
  Foods for Special Dietary Use: WHY the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY??? GESUNDHEIT 

  Hi John,
  Thanks for this mail, and the others, by the way.

  Did you happen to misspell the underlined word in the paragraph below 
("inexpensive")? The prices of drugs have been shooting high up in recent 
years. They are getting VERY expensive. No inexpensive drugs have been produced 
recently; not to my knowledge.
  You may wish to change that.

Thanks to Boris in Sweden for his alertness. He is correct. "Inexpensive" is 
changed below to "expensive"

    Do you DISPUTE our contention that we are SOVEREIGN over our own bodies and 
that we have a God given unalienable absolute total RIGHT to consume vitamins 
and minerals as well as herbs and other natural substances in whatever dose and 
quantity we WANT, WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION, in order to bring about HEALING so that 
we aren't forced to be slaves to the pharma cartel and their toxic, expensive, 
ineffective DRUGS?

    Do you actually BELIEVE that you have the RIGHT to tell us what we can or 
cannot INGEST?

  B: Here, he may say that they do not DISPUTE that we, the consumers are 
SOVEREIGN and that the CODEX does not direct its rules toward consumers (one 
can never expect them to admit what they are up to). Not directly, it doesn't. 
But the indirect result of the proposed rules would be a practical prohibition.
  One may consider adding the following to make your statement still more clear:

    - remind them that we, who oppose the CODEX understand that they are trying 
to introduce rules that will result in nothing else but a worldwide 
prohibition, etc. 

  I am spreading this mail further.

  Take care,



Next Codex Mtgs Re Vitamin Issue
CCNFSDU in Berlin
June 19- June 23, 2000
47th Session of Codex Executive
June 28-June 30, 2000 in Geneva
What to Do: Contact Your Countries
Delegate to the Codex Committee
on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use
(Beth Yetley in USA, Margaret Cheney in Canada)
Tell Them To Oppose the Draft Guidelines for Vitamins and Minerals
& That the Paper Titled 
"A Risk Assessment Model for Establishing Upper Levels for Nutrients"
Is Unscientific, Biased Against Vitamin Use, Was Paid for by Pharmaceutical 
Is Anti Consumer, And a Complete Expose Is Available at http://www.iahf.com
International Advocates for Health Freedom is a true grass roots, decentralized
movement of vitamin consumers world wide opposed to the pharmaceutically rigged 
Codex Shell Game, to the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and to 
all Statist Elements of Coersion, Wherever they may be found, anywhere in the 
world. As Free people, we are Sovereign over our own BODIES, With a God Given 
Unalienable Right to Ingest Any Substance of Our Choosing, (Especially Vitamins 
and Minerals) Into OUR BODIES As We See Fit.
We hereby put all unelected CODEX bureaucrats,UN and WTO Supporters World 
Wide,Employees of the FDA, HPB, MCA, MCC and similar drug cartel stooges on 
NOTICE that We Believe Strongly in the American Second Amendment Right to Bear 
Arms As Well as in the Right to Freedom of Speech & In All Unalienable God 
Given Rights, Both Numerated and Unenumerated, As Set Forth in the 9th 
Amendment to the United States Constitutition. 
Learn the TRUTH about the Battle in Seattle: http://www.indymedia.org
International Advocates for Health Freedom
http://www.iahf.com, email: j...@iahf.com 
Tel. Within N.America 800-333-2553, Overseas 540-745-6534
Fax 540-745-6535 Donations Needed: IAHF POB 625 Floyd, VA 24091 USA