G. Bouche said to Ron:
It is interesting to hear that you see T. E. at around 6 MA. Many
CS producers recommend to use a limiting current of 0.8MA
to produce cs. Does that mean that T. E. is not present with that
kind of low current ? </snip>

Like most, you refer to the current level when what you need to
look at is the current density! I.E. a very large area (flat) electrode
can use many times higher current to get the same current
density as a wire type electrode! As an example, 1 ma with a 14
ga. wire (0.064") has roughly the same effect as 16 ma with a 1 inch
wide electrode (assuming the same length)!

When we say our unit terminates at 5ma. (flat electrode) it is similar
to a 4 inch long 14 ga. wire electrode limited to 0.5ma!
