In a message dated 00-04-06 08:10:00 EDT, you write:

<< Particular emphasis: 1.  How much gets to intestine and alters
 > flora? 2. Can CS cause constipation?
 Brooks posted something about this. If I recall right stuff was in 
 the bloodstream within minutes. His (canine) subjects had a major but 
 not total loss of intestinal flora if the dose was significant. I 
 hope someone will re-post...
 Roger, when you did your study did you get any indication about 
 *uptake* rates? As in, how quickly it shows up in blood/urine/feces 
 at the onset of administration?
 Be well,
 Mike D. >>


I started my silver material balance after several months of taking over 2.3 
mg CS /day because I wanted to be at "steady state" to have any chance of 
actually getting silver "in" to equal silver "out". 

On the subject of doing CS canine studies. I strongly recommend NOT TRYING CS 
OUT ON ROVER. I used CS on my dog because I suspected he a parasite problem. 
Well, in a very short time he had a CS PROBLEM because he started getting the 
runs and it took months to get him back under control. (He probably was 
responsible for getting HIMSELF back to normal by ingesting his own feces -- 
with all its bacterial goodies -- from time to time). BTW, I'm sure the CS 
was responsible for the diahrea because his feces had absolutely NO SMELL. I 
mean the CS killed about EVERYTHING in his gut. I believe canines are poor CS 
subjects because they have a relatively short intestinal tract, so they are 
particularly vulnerable to having the CS kill the flora through out their 
digestive system.


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