##  That's my guess too.
  Due to the defensive/secretive attitude I encountered, asking would be a
waste of time. They hedged most of the simple questions and ignored all the
Observing the general conditions and equipment available, I doubt seriously
that they have any idea and couldn't answer even if they weren't so defensive.
..and they didn't seem the type to honestly say "I don't know".

 No whys and hows on the yellow cash cow.
..and we ain't sellin it to you anyhow.
so you have no right to know,
now go.
 I went.

At 03:09 PM 4/7/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Wild ass guess, but the particle size is probably huge in the multi-micron 
>range, and the Zeta is probably Zero.
>Also, I venture that there are a lot of contaminants left over as unreacted 
>reagents and undesirable products of the reaction which produced the 
>Write them and ask:
>1. What is the range and distribution of your particle size?
>2. Can you provide me with an analysis of the sol showing all elements 
>present over 1 PPM.
>3. What is the shelf life of the sol?
>James Osbourne Holmes
>-----Original Message-----
>From:  coyote [SMTP:coy...@alltel.net]
>Sent:  Friday, April 07, 2000 6:52 AM
>To:    silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject:       Re: cs strength
> ##Slightly off subject but may be enlightening....
>  There is a company near me that manufactures CS by the 55 gallon drum,
>sold bulk to repackagers.  I visited and asked questions.  They do not use
>and electrical process but something called a "Precipitate method".  The
>person i spoke to was very closed mouth about it.  The CS was a very deep
>bright yellow, almost  iridescent [ viewed through a half inch clear
>plastic tube] and was stored in what looked like a blue plastic pickle
>barrel like the local Mount Olive pickle company uses.
> I recently sold a generator to a woman who attempted to use [deep bright
>yellow] commercial CS in her eyes. She said it irritated them badly whereas
>the CS from the generator did not.  She washed her shower curtains with the
>commercial stuff.
> Does anyone know anything about the 'precipitate method' of making CS?
>This local company sends out drum after drum of this.  I wonder how much of
>what's available in stores is this very same product repackaged.
> KD'C
>At 06:56 AM 4/6/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>I am new to CS and this list.  I got a prett serious
>>burn, and a book I have suggested applying CS
>>topically.  I bought some at the local health food
>>store (not knowing anything about it), and what I got
>>is 1100 ppm (manufactured by Innovative Natural
>>Products).  I tried applying this to the area, and it
>>seemed to worsen, so I stopped.  I have continued to
>>take a small amount internally.
>>since beginning my research into CS on the web, I see
>>that most of you use a much weaker solution.  Is 1100
>>way too strong? (it is a dark yellow color).  Is this
>>safe to apply topically to my burn?
>>any advice would be much appreciated!
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