Dear Listers,

                    Some of the people may be misled all the time
                    All the people for some time
                    But not all the people all the time.

                    The spirit of holistic medicine is with this brave lady
those trying days and will always be.. This is manifested in the multiple
voices of the people the world over. Mother Nature does care for her
faithful asistants.But,
in her great wisdom, She stands and waits to restore  the full dignity and
to her downtrodden and humiliated assistants, of the past and the present.
                    This is the inaudible and unspoken law of Mother Nature.

    With regards
      Dr FHLew
    [ Malaysia ]

DK Nihoa wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dr. Clark Association <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 3:22 PM
> Subject: Dr. Hulda Clark -- CHARGES DISMISSED!!!
> Dear Guest of!
> I have some very very good news for you today: The charges against Dr.
> Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. are dismissed!! Dr. Clark was arrested
> in September and charged with practicing medicine without a license.
> This is a felony that can be pubished with up to eight years in prison!
> Dr. Clark was released on bail a few weeks later, but the uncertainty of
> the outcome of the trial were a heavy burden on the 71 year old
> researcher from San Diego, CA. Her enemies wanted to see her locked up
> behind bars. To the established medical interests, Dr. Clark's workable
> therapy against cancer is a huge threat. But now the charges were
> dismissed!
> This is also the time to say THANK YOU to every one who contributed to
> the legal fund or helped in other ways.
> Also, the real fight is far from being over: The fight for freedom of
> choice in medical matters for the individual. I count on you being there
> also when the second round starts.
> Sincerely
> David P. Amrein
> President, Dr. Clark Research Association
> --
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