On Wed, 3 May 2000 12:19:17 -0700, you wrote:

>>Several months ago, there was quite a bit of info on a gall bladder cleanse
>>involving olive oil, and lemon juice.   Does anyone still have the info
>>And has anyone who actually has gallstones actually done the cleanse?
>>Is there pain when the stones pass?
I did it a number of years ago.  I passed quite a few stones,
eliminated the pain and decided not to have the surgery.  No pain with
stone passage but do be close to the bathroom for most of the a.m.
Had the dye test before and after and it looked like no change in the
results but I am happy with the results.
>>Spent the night (shudder) at the hospital, in intense pain, guess from the
>>sound they took, I was passing a gall stone, holy cats did it HURT!!!!    I
>>wondering how these stones pass during the cleanse.   However, now
>>gall bladder surgery has been suggested, and of course I'd like to avoid
>>if I can.
>>Feel free to e-mail at sparrow...@hotmail.com   so the list isn't tied up
>>with off topic stuff.

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