
  Ha-Ha-Ha, (one great big grin from ear to ear), I'm tickled pink.

 I thought you made a good point and yes--its very muggie here.

 Was waiting for the customary reply from Mike to arrive before my post. But
then decided to not post and the reply came anyway. Saves the trouble of
posting.  Ha-Ha.

 Love this time warp we are in.
 Gee- you guys tweak easy.   :-)

  Bless you      Bob Lee

"M. G. Devour" wrote:

> I wrote:
> > Subject: CS>Computer virus warnings...
> >
> > ... are a sort of virus themselves. Think about it!
> "James Osbourne, Holmes" replied:
> > Excellent!
> And later queried:
> > Mike, did you get the point of my simple complement?
> > Jesus, what a fuss.
> I guess you thought I made a good point? <sheepish grin>
> Is it muggier than usual down thar in Texas this week, Bob? <GRIN>
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                       ]
> [Speaking only for myself...              ]
> --
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oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast