Dear M Louis Hanson,  I have taken silver colloid for over two years.  I
started taking it at 1 qt. per day for three days and then up to 16 oz. for
a maintainence dosage.  If I feel something coming on then will increase it
daily until problems are past.  Take 5-20ppm.  Recently dropped to 5 ppm
because I am testing it personally.  It works great!  Usually take it early
morning so it does not interfere with digestion of breakfast.  No long time
side effects except that it regulates your water intake.  When you reach
saturation level in your body you will occasionally have a peculiar tasting
thirst which a glass of decent water will allay.  I'm not blue (color) nor
do I expect to be.  SC is a life saver as I recently recovered from a round
of anthrax using it and golden seal with red pepper (hot).

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