In a message dated 00-05-18 17:44:10 EDT, you write:

<< My questions:
 1.  Is there any reason to believe that administration of CS drops in my 
 granddaughter's ears would help eradicate recurring ear infections?
 2.  Is it possible that inhalation of a CS solution, administered via a 
 bottle or atomizer, could help deal with the asthma problem?  Though I have 
 studied alternative remedies for most common ailments for almost 40 years 
 now, asthma is a problem which I have never previously examined, as it has 
 never appeared in my family or among my friends before.  I don't know if it 
 is viral or bacterial in origin or if it is some type of allergic reaction 
 environmental agents, for example.
 Do any of you have any ideas about whether CS could be helpful in these 
 circumstances?  Thank you.

I have first hand experience using CS for ear infections. Sometimes CS drops 
in my infected ear did not work because my ear was plugged up with wax. So I 
mixed some ~ 40 ppm CS with ~ 20 mls. of  70% IPA (isopropyl alcohol) and 
applied a heating pad as well. This combination helped dissolve the wax that 
was impeding direct contact with the CS alone. Within 12 hours the pain was 
nearly all gone and within 24 hours I was cured. Perhaps others on the list 
could comment about the suitability of using this sort of treatment for an 

Roger Altman

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