When you get to the farm, could you get a message to Sigmund for me
please (he's under-cover there) , and tell him my code name (cs4u) if he

Tell him that I flashed the torch towards the Southern Cross like he
said, but I flashed the wrong pin number 3 times and they kept my light.
I think I need a new bulb.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, 19 May 2000 17:20
Subject: Re: CS> Mild Rant

> In a message dated 5/18/00 9:20:18 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Bottom line: there is nothing to show any use of CS  up to about 20
> >  at one sitting can hurt.  It may help.
>   Six months ago, I was dumb enough to tell our dental hygienist that
I used
> CS.  Today she tells me "oh, I read an article in the newspaper about
> awhile back.  It said it had little use as an antibacterial or
antiviral but
> it will turn you gray.  I was hoping you hadn't turned gray by now."
>   She's a very nice person, and also very intelligent.  I tried to
> this 'n that, but she ended up looking at me "that way" anyway.  And
> course, she went on and on about the benefits of fluoride and how much
my son
> would benefit if I would only approve his fluoride treatment.
>   I get so weary of living in a different awareness zone.  I've been
> with humans in-person way too much lately, and being myself way too
> Time to censor myself again and nod my head a lot before they come to
take me
> away...
> To The Funny Farm
> Where Life is Beautiful
> All The Time
> HeHe HaHa HoHo
> Samantha

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