In a message dated 05/19/2000 2:13:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< you would need to be on the metals digest 

Jeannine....What is the metals digest?  the addy....

 the mercury attaches to 
 your RBC (red blood cells) and mimics no thyroid disease and eventually the 
 mercury attaches to the thyroid and causes all sorts of problems including 
 depression.   >>

How can a dr. tell that the mercury has attached to the thyroid?

At age 16 I had silver fillings  put in my average of 3-4 per 
tooth!  This was instead of pulling ALL my teeth!   I had many fillings put 
in before that age, also.  I was put on thyroid meds at an early age also and 
have been on and off of it for my whole life. Depression has been very much a 
part of my life. I was hospitalized in 1970 and labled a manic depressive. 
Around 1967 I had all my upper teeth pulled and use a denture.  I still have 
my lower teeth....full of silver fillings! can see that I am VERY interested in this subject matter. on and refer me to the metals list.  Thank you...

    Love and peace

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